Technical objectives

The technical objectives of ETALON project are in line with the overall scope and objectives of Shift2Rail, ETALON will contribute to the goals of TD 2.5 and TD 2.10.
Achieving the basic knowledge of the best system architecture for further Train Integrity development on board integration

1.  To identify, adapt and validate effective solution for on-board Train Integrity radio communication system (including antennas suitable to be installed in the queue of a very long train)

2.  To identify, adapt and validate effective energy generation solution for feeding on-board Train Integrity system.

Defining the basic architecture (made up of components and interfaces able to power the new Objects Controllers)

1.  To identify, adapt and validate effective solution for on-board Train Integrity radio communication system (including antennas suitable to be installed in the queue of a very long train)

2.  To identify, adapt and validate effective energy generation solution for feeding on-board Train Integrity system.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 777576

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